That and a cup of Tea


“THAT....AND THE CUP OF TEA”: TALES OF IRELAND by award-winning CARMEL QUINN – a delightful journey through a fifty year career as a renowned singer and story teller including her encounters with the likes of ARTHUR GODFREY, JACK PAAR, DAVE GARROWAY, MIKE DOUGLAS, ED SULLIVAN, ANDY ROONEY, the still very much alive and active REGIS PHILBIN, ED McMAHON, the POPE, AUNT JULIA, thousands of NUNS and many more. “With her wonderful Irish wit, her refreshing approach to story-telling and her lovely voice, Ms. Quinn quickly captivates her listeners”. (Greenbriar Woodland’s Men’s Club, Tom’s River, N.J.) “The laughs, the tears, the applause and the two standing ovations says it all!” (Irish Voice).




She was my favorite aunt; a wonderful woman, strict but kind; little and round, a very funny lady who always wore her hat in the house.  This was in case someone came to the door that she didn't want to let in, she'd say, "I was just on me way out."  she had her own way of describing things.  For instance, if she had been sick and you weren't aware of it she would let you know in rather dramatic terms.  "Did you not hear I was sick and that I was at death's door?"  I would tell her I was sorry to hear it and ask her if she was badly ill.  "Was I bad?" she'd repeat.  "I was in bed for three days with the doctor."


She disapproved of bachelors.  "Make you sick they would, out there sowing' their wild oats and praying for a crop failure."  She was also a champion of the 'put-down'.  If a neighbor 'got on in the world' she was glad for them but, if a neighbor got snooty or proud (i.e. "lace-curtain Irish" which translates to 'fruit in the house and no one sick') then she would reduce them a peg or two.  To one such lady she called out in a full voice and within earshot of the other neighbors, "Hello Mrs. Reilly, how are you?"  "Sorry to hear about the fire in your bathroom; thank God it didn't reach the house."  She had a way; she said anything that came to her mind.



"What was Arthur Godfrey really like?"  This is the question that I have been asked for years.  It's never, "What was Arthur Godfrey like?"  No, it is always, "What was Arthur Godfrey really like?"  This 'really' means: 'tell-us-the-truth".  Well, to me he was one of the most interesting men that I have ever met.  He had a great zest for life.  A favorite saying of his was, "I want to be shot by a jealous husband when I'm ninety years old."


I remember one incident in particular when we were doing the Morning Show and Arthur had a new prospective sponsor.  This spotlighted product was a new cellophane wrap usually used for leftovers.  Arthur was extolling its virtues and wooing the ladies saying: "You know, when your old man doesn't finish all his steak or chicken or whatever for dinner, and there is a nice bit left over?"  He could have it for  lunch the next day.  Which means dear lady, that you could get out of the house and catch a Matinee or shop.  Well, here is what you do": (Arthur holds up the cellophane wrap for all to see).  "You take this roll of cellophane and you peel off enough to wrap up this remaining food."  (Arthur tried to start the roll to peel off a sheet and demonstrate to his audience but he can't get it.  Now, Arthur is using his thumbnail to get at the start of the roll).  "As I said, you peel off a sheet or you try your darndest to peel a sheet!"  (By now he is red in the face with all his effort of picking so hard at the roll).  Finally, he roared, "You get this roll of cellophane and you THROW IT ACROSS THE KITCHEN AND HUBBY CAN TAKE YOU OUT TO LUNCH!!"  With that he fired the product across the studio and it landed at the feet of the poor ad man from the agency.  Of course, this did not endear him to the station or the agency; but you must admire him for his total honesty.  It was really very funny and everyone was laughing.  Actually, this incident helped rather that hindered his reputation as a great salesman.  It proved that he would not sell anything that did not  live up to the claim.  In his words, "No bum steer from Godfrey."




THE GALA EVENT:  Singing for President Kennedy:


This particular event was a Dinner for the Governors from every State and of course, for President Kennedy.  It was all men.  There was not a woman in sight except for myself.  Two security men took me to a back passage and said we'd wait there for the President and talk to him 'in private'!  ....  Suddenly, one of the Governors leaves his table and goes out to the rest room area.  He spotted me behind the curtain and roared jovially, "Hey! Carmen (Carmen and Carmel), great show!  You were terrific!  I was puzzled by this remark but collected myself quickly and in reply I said, "Thank you.  Did you like the special request I sang for you?"  This would have stopped most people but, never missing a beat, he answered, "Darlin' aah loved it."  Well, can you beat that! I hadn't even been on yet; hadn't done a thing--and he telling me that I was terrific!  Suddenly I started to laugh and relief came over me.  My nervousness and fear vanished and I realized it's not that important.  'I' am not that important.  I went on happy, relaxed and laughing.  I made them laugh too for I told them this very story.



This book is full of wonderful stories of Carmel's growing up in Dublin, her coming to America, and all that has transpired since.  A heart-warming, fun book!  Look for it soon in your favorite bookstore.


“That and a Cup of Tea”: Tales of Ireland

For Information or booking, contact Michael J Lannon

Entire Site Carmel Quinn Copyright 2009